Closed Issues

It follows a small list of known open issues.

0505311 - Hungarian Regional Settings

A week ago, I was contacted by an hungarian guy (Krisztian Steber thank you again) for some problems during the analysis of his sources.
After about a week, he discovered that it was something about his system regional settings (hungarian + sort order = default).

It seems that the case-insensitive string comparation fails when meets something like 'cs', since in hungarian language 'cs' a 'letter' different from 'cS'...
This was the problem, Horodruin uses the lower-case file name to locate items into other sources.

The funny thing is that these regional settings have some problem into win2k setup process too.

From v2.0.176.0 this problem should be fixed.
The taken approach is to replace all case insensitive string compare function with the normal string compare one but using always the lowercase version of the string.

0305061 - Source Validation

It may happen that the program fails to validate a source.

With v1.0.68.0 this should happen only when you share an empty volume in a network (for example: "\\myPC\CDWRITER").

The problem occurs because the program validate the source folder in 2 steps:

Well I think that there are at least 2 walkarounds.  The first is simply copy something into this disk (the 2nd test doesn't fail anymore), the second is mapping the network shares as a drive.

From v1.0.70.1 this problem should be fixed.
The taken approach is to peek into the source to get the first item.  In case of failure (source is empty) it looks for system error codes to see if there is no file or it's a bad path.

0307301 - 'Read Only' Attribute Troubles

A friend of mine, has reported to me several "access denied" during the update of the 'last updated' time-stamp at the end of synchronizations.

After a short investigation we have discovered that it was caused by the copy engine operation sequence.
It was trying to set source file attributes and then to restore the timestamp.

This is a problem, with a file with read-only attribute on.
It leaves the file updated but with a wrong time-stamp.  A very annoying behaviour from the next synchronization, because it may overwrite a newer file with a good time-stamp.

The things are lightly better when using the temp file on a target with read only attribute.  At the end of the synchronization, the target isn't updated at all.
This is caused because the engine fails to delete the original old file before renaming the temp one.

From the v1.0.73.1 this problem should be fixed.
The approach taken now is slightly changed.

Now when temp files are used, the attributes are resetted, and then the original old file is deleted.
When they aren't used, the time-stamp is updated and then the attributes are set.

Changing the attributes doesn't touch file's 'last updated' time-stamp.

0307302 - The Program Doesn't Even Start

When the program is started, an error pops up, and it states that one of the following DLL is missing:


The problem here seems that you haven't one of the needed VCL6 Runtimes Libraries.
The most common case is that you have skipped the setup screen that advice you may have needed them.
Install the VCL 6 Runtime Libraries, and the program should now run fine.

You can download them from the program site (see contacts).

030818 - Missing Synch Results

Somewhen it occurs that some synchronization errors aren't collected into results window.  Into my own case it happens that I try to write a single file on a closed CDR, and sometimes the synchronization went fine.

In a first time I think about some sort of bug into the copy engine, but I have discovered that it was a strange race condition.
I have discovered that sometimes the output thread could generate an error before the calling class (and the results collecting engine) overcasts the virtual entry point (method).
In this case, the virtual method is still the base (empty) one.

From the v1.1.81.0 this problem should be fixed.
Now the output threads now wait for the calling class has been fully initialized before doing anything else.

030926 - Analysis Over Network Sources is Quite Slow

The default behaviour during a source analysis, is to count all its file in a first time, and analyzing them in a second time.
This approach works fine with the local devices because most of the file system data used is cached by the system the first time.

With network sources this is not true, the first step data aren't cached and the second step has to asking them again.
This has 2 major drawbacks.  The first one is that the network traffic is doubled, while the other is that the second step lasts exactly like the first one.

I have noted it during a 14000-15000 items' analysis.  The speed doubles when I disable the first step (from 125 to 61 seconds).
The file count is guessed by keeping the greater source item count already processed.  The only drawback I have found is that starting the analysis with a network source produces a not-so-fine effect on the progressbar and the stats label.  Really a small price for such enhancement.

From the v1.1.88.0 this problem should be seriously reduced.

Probably this will not be the final approach the program will take to face the problem, but actually we will see what will need of a further improovment.